Virtual Reality - Explore and Engage
The use of virtual reality in the classroom engages students while also helping to promote deeper learning and understanding.
Debriefing in the Classroom
Taking time to debrief gives students the opportunity to think on a deeper level which can help them to recognize their ability and push the
Using Technology for Collaboration
Collaboration helps to promote problem solving and critical thinking skills, when you add technology into the mix it helps to increase produ
3 easy ways to practice the Growth Mindset
The growth mindset is a way of thinking. You are aware of your abilities but also know that these abilities can be developed.
Using Technology for Learning
Through the use of technology in the classroom we are able to connect with students of all learning styles and it also opens doors for our s
What is Restorative Practice?
Restorative practice (RP) is a social science that focuses on strengthening relationships between individuals as well as social...
Coding in the Classroom
We now live in a digital age where most of our students have constant access to technology both at school and at home. Many school tasks...
Classroom Blogs
Teachers worldwide are connecting and sharing ideas with one and other through the medium of blogging. Reading blogs is one of my personal f
Digital Storytelling
Digital storytelling is a great way to encourage imaginative writing in the classroom. Storytelling is a skill that is slowly declining.
Formative Assessment-Keeping it simple!
Formative assessment allows teachers to evaluate student comprehension and progress during the course of a lesson or task. It is an integral