Collaborate and Communicate
Collaboration is an important skill for students to master during their time in school. Being able to collaborate with peers and work collea
Creating curious minds
"The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing." -Albert Einstein What is curiosity? C
Tracking Students' IEP Goals
Data. Whether you love it or hate it, it is one word teachers hear all of the time. Use our form to track student progress on IEP goals.
3 tips to help your students take accountability for their learning
When students are active and involved in their learning it allows them to take ownership of it. For this to happen students must be...
Engaging students that don't want to participate
In every class we will meet a student that isn’t engaging or participating in the content.
Organize for life
Organization as a skill is often underrated, it is an expected skill that many students have yet to grasp. Transitioning from elementary...
Scaffolding Lessons-Keeping it simple
Scaffolding helps teachers to bridge learning gaps within the classroom. Our students are all different and have individual needs.
Encouraging critical thinking with the help of technology
Critical thinking skills are an essential tool that students require for the rest of their lives and future careers.
Increase productivity in the classroom with Brain Breaks
Brain breaks give students the time they need to refocus and self regulate. In school, students are constantly learning. In order for...
ThingLink - UNESCO 360 images
ThingLink recently announced that they are providing free 360 images from UNESCO heritage and natural sites around the world.