End of Lesson Reflection
A lot of time and effort goes into planning and delivering lessons. We research, include students interests and try to cater for the various learning levels in the class. Lesson plans allow us to set a teaching objective which keeps the learning on track.
Our main goal is to provide a captivating learning experience for our students. In an ideal world they would all walk away with a clear understanding and have reached the targeted objectives. However, this is not always the case.
Exit tickets provide us with a clear picture and allow us to see how the class is progressing. It is not only a beneficial resource for teachers but also for our students. It gives them time to reflect on what they’ve learned and brings awareness to what they still need to learn. Equally, it provides teachers with the opportunity to see where their students need more help.
Below find a free printable ready to use in your classroom today! Get your students thinking about what they’ve learned, what they found interesting and any questions they still may have. Click the image for a PDF printout.